Monday, October 14, 2013

Doctor Report and Herbs

Today I had yet another Dr. appointment.  This time it was with a neurologist, Dr. Andrew Gasecki, I met with him in his office for over an hr! He asked me so many questions and gave me some real answers for the first time.  This also was the first Dr. apt. that didn't include me leaving with multiple prescriptions and samples. I am trying to get off medications! That is why I went to him, I was told that Dr. Gasecki really try's to figure out the source of the headache.  So he diagnosed me w/ Chronic Migraine.  After discussing all the preventative medicine I have tried in the past and had no success other than feeling crazy; he said I was an excellent candidate for Botox.  Now this is not the cosmetic kind (though that would be fun) it is specifically for migraines.  Learn more at

So with Fibro come cronic fatige, I cant remeber not being tired and being able to take a nap any time of the day.  The Dr. looked at my sleeping time of 7hrs a night (I thought was pretty good) and said that is one major problem.  People who get migraines need at least 9 hours of sleep a night.  No electronic devices a hr before bed.  Go to bed and wake up at the same time every night.  How many of us actually do this?   Dr. said I know this isn't going to be easy, but this is free and you need more sleep.  Sleep and headaches are tied together so by doing this first it will hopefully eliminate a sleep study 2k+ later.

Dr. Gasecki also talked about how people with chronic migraines are anxious people, a worrisome people.  Always worrying about someone or something.  They are very dependable people because they worry so much they will make what ever it is happen.  So he told me to learn how to say no, that is hard because I want to help people.  I think I just need to work on knowing my limits.  
I can do Hard Things!


  1. Sounds like you actually found a doctor that cares to find out the problem rather than mask it. I'll have to his info from you. I think that's so great he took a whole hour to talk to you about your migraines. I pray you'll find relief. I pray daily for you. I hate having migraines. They are the worst. But I hate even more when others have them, especially loved ones. I always wish there is something I could do to help.
    Brads grandma asked me the other day why I haven't been to a dr lately for my migraines. I told her it's mostly because they just wanna try the new latest and greatest meds that never work rather than find out the cause. I've had migraines for 22 years! It's so frustrating! I've had at least a dozen MRI's and ct scans and they never found anything. I had kinda given up on the why but I'm ready to try again.

    I hope this new sleeping schedule helps you and the Botox program.
    I'm also like you with the worrying and helping others. I worry way too much! And usually that's why I don't sleep at night. The last few Saturday nights I haven't slept prob because I was too worried I'd sleep thru my alarm and not wake up for church. This new calling has brought on some new stressors. I need to learn not to stress about it. Ugh!

    One day we will be healthy again!!
    I need to remember I can do hard things!! And we'll do them together!!

  2. Lynette,
    Your last paragraph:
    "Dr. Gasecki also talked about how people with chronic migraines are anxious people, a worrisome people. Always worrying about someone or something. They are very dependable people because they worry so much they will make what ever it is happen. So he told me to learn how to say no, that is hard because I want to help people. I think I just need to work on knowing my limits.
    I can do Hard Things!"

    That blew me away!! It is very rare that I hear myself described so well! I worry about things in a very unhealthy way! I have suffered from anxiety since I was a kid. It has taken me a long time to realize that some things I had trouble with as a kid were because I had anxiety even then! As an adult, a mother, a wife and even a member of this beautiful church brings on a whole new set of things that trigger my anxiety. Ugh. And being able to say no..oh forget about it! I have actually gotten a little (just a little, baby steps!) better over the past few months since being diagnosed with an auto immune disease this summer and possibly a thyroid problem, (which would be a second auto immune disease, the auto immune problem I was diagnosed with is known to be accompanied by at least two others at a time. Lovely.) The part in your post that resognated with me the most: "They are dependable people, they will make what ever it is happen" Ummm, ya. me to a T. I know I drive people crazy and perhaps step on toes a little. If I know something needs to be done, for me I need it to be done yesterday, otherwise my anxiety about it makes life miserable!! And it's not that I don't think the person does or will do a great job in what ever the thing is--it's about me,(and my anxiety over the task at hand) not them! This spills over into every kind of relationship I have, things with my kids, husband, family members, friends, and ward members. Anyway, I didn't mean to come on here and comment so much about myself. :( I'm sorry. I think I just needed to get some stuff out. :) I love that you started this blog!! It's great! I am so sorry for this trial you endure. Thanks for putting your thoughts and findings down for the benefit of others! As you know, my mother has fibro. I have watched her over the years power thru some really hard times with her health and the headaches are crazy!! I sympathize with anyone who has this, as I have seen it first hand. I have some signs of it, but am trying to sort out if it's my other auto immune trouble causing my issues..anyway, it is all very much of a journey!! I am so happy your Dr. Appt. went well!! I hope he will continue to help you!! Thoughts, prayers, hugs, and love being sent your way and anyone else suffering!! xoxo. Thanks for writing this, sometimes I feel like I am just crazy, so it's nice to be validated in some of my "quirks"
